fresh vs packaged ground beef

Tech Talk-Fresh Ground Beef vs Packaged Beef

Hi, I’m Bob with the Perfect Patty Shaperz. Today we are going to have a Tech Talk. I have made, in one year, 87 Million pounds of hamburger, so I know a little bit about hamburgers. Today we are going to talk about store-bought and freshly ground.

I’m here to tell you when you get yourself a good chuck roast and you grind that meat it gives you a lot of variety. Because you hear everybody say, I mixed some brisket with chuck roast and all these different meats, you can really drill down into the Perfect Patty Shaperz that you want that you can talk about in your backyard grill.

So, I’m going to go ahead and grind some fresh and I’m going to show you the difference between what you are pulling out of your store-bought package – not that there is anything wrong with it. All we are trying to do is say you want restaurant-quality sometimes when you are going to have some of those special guests over, so you are going to go a little extra mile.

The other thing is you don’t have to have this big grinder. A lot of people are saying, well I can’t afford this thing. You can buy a grinder on Amazon for $20 and you can grind the meat up that way. So, there’s a whole lot of different ways you can get these results without spending a lot of money.

I’m going to go ahead and fire this up – it’s going to be a little noisy. (Meet grinding) That looks wonderful!

That is your fresh ground, right? Look at the quality of that. That’s not your store-bought. This is straight from the chuck roast. A lot of times we’ll put a little bit of brisket in there. There’s a whole lot of things – a lot of people like to use short rib. Something with a lot of fat that gives you all of that flavor. Obviously, the more fat that you put in the product the more flavor that you are going to have.

I’m just going to scrape this off just a bit and I’m going to set this so you can just see the difference. Just going to set this right alongside. Look how rich that is. You can really see the difference in quality.

So the next thing is that when you are grinding this out you are getting all of this really fine meat so when I go in and I get my Perfect Patty Shaperz out and I want to make a really good burger, this is going to leave those columns of meat in here. The other thing is that when I press that down because I’m inside a mold it helps align those fibers so when you cook them up you see people wanting to put their thumbs in the middle – you shouldn’t have to do that if your fibers are aligned.

The other thing is the temperature of your meat between 28 and 30 degrees. All of that is really important so that when you are cooking up the meat that you are going to get the results you are looking for.

So, I’m just going to, for the fun of it during the Tech Talk, I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to take all of this awesome looking burger meat. I’ve put it in the Perfect Patty Shaperz and we are going to take a good look at this.

Here’s the freshly ground and if you haven’t ever seen this before this is what makes the Perfect Patty Shaperz so unique, you just pull this off and you have a perfect patty shaper. That is one beautiful burger! So now I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to peel this off of the other side and as you can see there is a Cuber on both sides (small spike-like indentations). What that does is allow the heat to drive evenly through the hamburger and cook it thoroughly all the way through.

We are going to lay that down and we are going to show you that it really doesn’t matter in terms of quality because you have the store-bought meat that goes through a regiment of things that they have to do in order to comply with USDA and everything else.

This is perfectly good meat. I like to use the analogy that it is like fresh garlic or the garlic out of the jar. If you get the fresh and you grind it up it’s like getting a whole new taste, if you will. But at the end of the day, that’s what this is all about. I’m going to crush that in there and throw a little bit more meat in here. Don’t mind my fingers. I’m going to throw that in and I’m going to pop that out. So you still get a really good high-quality burger.

Each one of this particular product that we made is 80/20. It’s going to give you a really good flavor. But you can see the difference of what fresh does and I can’t wait to cook those up.

So, this is Bob with Perfect Patty Shaperz Tech Talk. Like us, leave me a comment on what you think about fresh vs store-bought and what about the columns of meat and how all those juices get collected inside that burger. Let me know what your thoughts are about it.

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